In the heart of the vast woods, a struggle for dominance rages between four vying factions: the crafty Woodland Alliance, the mighty Eyrie Dynasties, the devious Lizard Cult, and the industrious Marquise de Cat. Each faction pursues its own agenda, vying for control over the woodland terrain, constructing their strongholds, and amassing influence.
As a seasoned woodsman, I've played my part in many a Root skirmish. The game's asymmetry is a marvel, each faction with its unique abilities and playstyle. The Woodland Alliance's guerrilla tactics are a thorn in the side of their rivals, while the Eyrie Dynasties' aerial supremacy commands respect. The Lizard Cult's hidden agendas and the Marquise de Cat's industrial might add further intrigue to the woodland conflict.
Root is a game that rewards strategic thinking and careful planning. It's a game of bluffing and negotiation, where alliances are forged and broken in the blink of an eye. It's a game that captures the spirit of the woodland, where nature's harmony is constantly threatened by the ambitions of its inhabitants.
If you're a fan of strategic board games and a lover of woodland lore, then Root is a must-have addition to your collection. It's a game that will challenge your wits and reward your cunning, transporting you to a world of woodland intrigue and endless possibilities.
Designed by Cole Wehrle.
Nut rating: 7.5 (7)
Beautiful theme and production
Engaging tactical struggle
Complex system
Messy rulebook
By Flundran on Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right at 16 jun